The Pause Hour - what is it all about?

Taking the time to get things in perspective

Taking the time to get things in perspective

Taking the time to get things in perspective

The Pause Hour - what is it? A time to press pause -

- to collect your thoughts in the middle of something (as you would in a film to work out what’s happening)

- to think about what’s going on around you, think beforehand, be ready to move forward and press play again

- to make sense of your circumstances

- to allow you to see other things that you haven’t previously seen

- to notice what’s missing?

- it’s intentional, the antidote to busyness

What is it not? It’s not -

- Coaching, counselling, fixing, problem solving, task focused training

- A one-off

- A luxury

What happens at the Pause Hour?

A maximum of 6 people meet with me as the facilitator and I guide the session. The hour has a flow:

- Time is given to arrive, to notice the thoughts and mood you’ve brought with you, and to set aside whatever’s preoccupying you and the circumstances you’ve come from - they’ll still be there to return to later

We agree confidentiality so that everyone can make the most of the time together

- I introduce reminders of ways to pause - to listen, to be listened to, silence, to journal, to notice

- Everyone has the opportunity to be the focus of the group’s attention, to take their time to consider whatever it is they want to pay attention to that day

- We take our time to leave, ready to re-enter your world

How to prepare for the Pause Hour

- Look forward to it

- Make space before and after it

- Allow yourself the time

- Don’t overthink it

- Put yourself in the hands of the facilitator

Individual benefits of the Pause Hour

- Your capacity has increased

- Your clarity of thinking has grown

- You’re better placed to make wiser choices

- You start developing good habits and receive a reminder to embed those good habits

- You find yourself refreshed. Calm.

- Ready to ‘play’ again

Benefits of a group meeting for The Pause Hour

- Feeling understood, you’re not alone

- Guidance

- Good listening, not fixing

- Learning good practices, which are modelled

- It’s a space and environment that allows participants to go deeper / unfold more layers than doing it alone

- The power of talking out loud and being listened to - and accessing your own wisdom

- The generosity of listening you give to others - it’s a privilege to hear others’ inner thoughts

- The hour is focused, everyone is alert, attentive

Come once, come often, take the time to think about -

- Where am I now?

- What do i really want - at the moment?

- Your responses will be different each time